House of Representatives Passes Resolution Recognizing Islam as One of the Great Religions of the World

In a significant and historic move, the United States House of Representatives passed H. RES. 635, a resolution recognizing Islam as one of the great religions of the world. Introduced by Mr. Green of Texas and co-sponsored by Ms. Ilhan Omar, Ms. Rashida Tlaib, and Mr. Carson, the resolution highlights the contributions, beliefs, and values of Islam to society.
The resolution, known as the "Original Resolution Recognizing Islam as One of the Great Religions of the World," underscores the rich history and principles of Islam. It emphasizes the significance of the Holy Quran, the primary scripture of Islam, containing over 6,000 verses and serving as a guide for Muslims around the globe. The resolution also acknowledges the role of the Hadith, a collection of traditions and quotes of the Prophet Muhammad, in shaping Muslim practices and beliefs.
Islam's contributions to various fields of knowledge and culture are also acknowledged, with a focus on its promotion of science, astronomy, chemistry, mathematics, medicine, and philosophy. The resolution recognizes Islam's emphasis on strong moral convictions, peace, equality, and social justice, and it highlights the fundamental principles of the faith, known as the Five Pillars of Islam.
The resolution reflects on the growing presence of Islam worldwide, with an estimated 2 billion Muslims and approximately 3.5 million Muslims in the United States. It underscores the diverse backgrounds and contributions of American Muslims to the nation's economy, diversity, philanthropic efforts, medical and scientific research, civic engagement, and more.

Additionally, H. RES. 635 acknowledges the historical context of Islam in the United States, noting that the first substantial population of Muslims were enslaved Africans who faced challenges in practicing their faith. The resolution highlights the principles of tolerance and respect for non-Muslims as taught by Islam.
By passing this resolution, the House of Representatives aims to demonstrate solidarity with and support for the global Islamic community. The recognition of Islam as one of the great religions of the world serves to promote understanding, tolerance, and respect for diverse religious beliefs and practices.
The resolution's passage signifies a milestone in interfaith relations and cultural understanding, reinforcing the United States' commitment to religious freedom and inclusivity. It is a step forward in acknowledging the contributions of various faiths to the nation's cultural mosaic and promoting unity in diversity.
The resolution will now move to the Committee on Foreign Affairs for further consideration, indicating the House's dedication to fostering positive international relations and global cooperation.